Friday, July 22, 2022

Zodiac Signs on a Postcard

Zodiac Signs on Postcards

Sending a postcard for a birthday? 

Zodiac sign postcards come in all types, from vintage styles to symbols, to animals, all kinds of beautiful original art, even flowers, cartoons and rainbows.

All the signs

Some cards feature all the signs of the zodiac, such as this reimagined version of a vintage drawing by by Louis-FĂ©lix de La Rue. If you look carefully, you will see a pictorial representation of every sign from Virgo to Leo.

This eye-catching black postcard presents a tidy chart featuring each of the twelve signs of the zodiac, each represented in lavender with its astrological symbol. Every sign from Gemini to Taurus.

Each sign of the Zodiac 

Each and every zodiac sign has multiple beautiful, creative, colorful, artistic or just plain fun postcard options available. It was difficult choosing which cards to show you here. Below you will find a lovely postcard for each astrology sign.

Sagittarius on a Postcard

Ruled by Jupiter and the Archer, Sagittarius often loves purple; with a spontaneous and restless heart. November 22 to December 21. This card shows a beautiful feminine archer, in a colorful floral forest setting. 

Sagittarius Postcard 

Capricorn on a Postcard

Ambitious and ruled by Saturn, Capricorn is hard-working and builds life on a solid foundation. December 22 to January 19. The traditional symbol of the goat appears before a textured blue sky with the Latin name of the sign.

Aquarius on a Postcard

Contemplative, eccentric and different from the crowd. Hungry for knowledge and deeply focused. January 20 to February 18. The symbol is composed of two waves, shown here again a circle with sun and mood in the corners, along with the the word Air, the element that widens our lungs and gives us freedom.

Pisces on a Postcard

Getting along great with Virgo and Taurus, Pisces is ruled by Neptune and Jupiter. Its colors are sea green and various shades of purple such as lilac, violet and mauve as shown here on this postcard showing compassionate, wise, artistic mermaids. February 19 to March 20.

Aries on a Postcard

Enthusiastic for life. Daring, adventurous and unafraid. March 21 to April 19. Flowers on this postcard are shown with the symbol for the Aries Ram along with the key words Courageous, Determined, Competitive and Passionate.

Taurus on a Postcard

Warm, gentle, and resistant to change, able to persevere and stay on a path. April 20 to May 20. This Taurus bull on this postcard is framed in a way reminiscent of a Tarot card and is part of a set of twelve beautiful coordinating cards, one for each astrological sign.

Gemini on a Postcard

Intense curiosity and terrific communicator with a quick wit. May 21 to June 20. While the Unicorn may not be the typical symbol of Gemini, Twin is the key here, with two cute cartoon unicorns having fun together.

Cancer on a Postcard

Water sign ruled by the Moon, those born under Cancer the crab are said to be emotional and sensitive. Cancer is often at loggerheads with Capricorn. June 21 to July 22. She is shown here as the Cancer Moon Child Fairy Goddess.

Leo on a Postcard

Creative and loyal with an innate confidence. Leo is a Fire sign with Lion as mascot. July 23 to August 22. Warm Charming, Loyal, Entertaining ang Generous, says this black starry sky card with a bright orange lion.

Virgo on a Postcard

Tenacious and smart, able to impose order on the most chaotic settings and situations. Virgo the mutable earth sign is ruled by Mercury. August 23 to September 22. Rainbow and Virgo symbol on a black card.

Libra on a Postcard

A good negotiator who can be indecisive, constantly evaluating all the options and new information. This air sign is for people born September 23 to October 22. Simple black and white postcard shows Libra, the scales of balance and the zodiac symbol for Libra.

Scorpio on a Postcard

Scorpio gets what it wants, intense and passionate, dominating the surroundings and irresistibly emotional. October 23 to November 21. With a nod to the fact that all the Zodiac sings have their origins in the stars in the sky, this postcard shows the green scorpion against the celestial backdrop with a map of other nearby constellations.

A Cat for Every Zodiac Sign 

If nothing above strikes your fancy, check around for more  of the numerous imaginative options. Or maybe your intended recipient would prefer this cat zodiac postcard showing every sign from Pisces to Aquarius. Adorable!

Millions of Postcards Sent 

Just through one service, Postcrossing. com, 67 million postcards have been received to date, with 334 thousand postcards traveling as I pen this blog. Yesterday I took receipt of my first card from Australia, and just this morning, I sent one off to Malaysia.  Sharing postcards, whether they show Zodiac signs or lemons or angels or lighthouses or anything else, is a super fun way to appreciate a little bit more about the world. Try it out!

If Zazzle should send me a penny or two when someone buys something I have carefully chosen to display on this blog, the price stays the same. The card costs nothing extra. For the reader, my quest to find and post some nice cards in which you might be interested, adds no cost.

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